Midlothian Carers community connector

Opening times not provided


Working in partnership with Vocal to identify unpaid carers.

Do you provide unpaid help and support to a family member, partner, relative or friend, who could not manage without you? This could be due to age, a long-term condition, disability, physical, or mental health problems, or addiction. Yes? – You are a Carer

We provide advice, information, and practical support to unpaid carers in Midlothian by having a good conversation looking at the issues affecting you in your caring situation and how to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Anyone can make a referral (self-referrals, neighbours, Doctors, social workers, family members, friends, etc.). However, the person being referred must agree to the referral being made.

Services Offered

  • Befriending
  • Daytime Care
  • Home Visiting
  • Independent Living
  • Isolation and Loneliness
  • Respite Care
  • Self-Directed Support

Contact details


Unit 3 McSence Business Park
EH22 5TA



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Last Updated: 14/03/2023
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